I hate having to reinstall Windows. It’s so much more tedious and crap-filled than it has to be. Microsoft constantly pesters us with “Do you allow us to collect this data?” “Can we have that data?” “GIVE US YOUR DATA!”. UUHH. So that’s why we’re here today, to shut Microsoft up a bit. This works on both Win 11 and 10.
First some context. I’ll write this in the sequence I did it during my latest reinstall. Follow them in your own order, if you don’t wish to follow mine.
NEVER have I paid for this OS. Probably not many of you either. So lets activate.
- We begin by callign upon the “Software Licensing Management Tool” vbs script to replace the product key in your Windows installation. Do this by opening up cmd by WIN+R and paste this command:
slmgr /ipk W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX /AcceptEula
- Next, we will change which server the KMS service will call to check the product keys legitimacy.
slmgr /skms kms8.msguides.com
- And lastly, lets check our key and activate our Windows install.
slmgr /ato
If your ever installed Windows, you will most probably have been frustrated with the amount of bloat and sheer useless crap Microsoft delivers Windows with. So lets get cleaning.
Remove MS Store Apps Utility
This littls number by Digressive is hosted on Github and is a script that, when paired with a simple text file, removes almost any preinstalled software in Windows.
It uses the Remove-AppxPackage
with the “-package” flag to remove the apps.
But before we can use it, we have to prepare Powershell beforehand.
Preparing Powershell
We have to change the Execution-Policy so Powershell has permission to load custom scripts. Do this by:
- Open Powershell
- Run
- Type in “Unrestricted”
Running the Utility
- Open Powershell as Admin
- Install the utility by running
Install-Script -Name Remove-MS-Store-Apps
- Next, Run the utility using
Remove-MS-Store-Apps.ps1 -PCApps
This will generate a list with all the apps that you have installed. Either copy the ones you want into a text file (which I recommend placing in “C:” for easy access later) or just copy the ones I removed:
- Next, remove your selected apps using
Remove-MS-Store-Apps.ps1 -List C:\{your_text_file_here}.txt
- Done
This last piece of software is my new favourite. It help you quickly install and remove apps and can modify Windows settings from one easy-to-access place!
- Open up a Powershell window in Admin
- Input
irm "https://christitus.com/win" | iex
- In the Install tab you can choose which apps you want to install or remove. A usefull button is “Get Installed”. It checks which apps you have installed and ticks those boxes.
- Tweaks is super usefull. I run most of these, but choose the ones you want. DISABLE “MOUSE ACCELERATION” THOUGH! and “Bing search in Start Menu”
- One thing I REALLY like in Features is the easy access to the “Set Up Autologin” which I always have on my desktop.
Now, do a reboot to set everything up and your good to go!
One more little program I want to highlight is WinSetView. The default “Group by…” setting in Explorer bugs me everytime it’s enabled. I REALLY dislike it. But disabling it universaly is REALLY tedious. Thats where this little app comes in. And it’s Portable to!
One nice feature it has is that when you set, say, Pictures to “Large Icons”, then all Picture folders below inherits it, so Pictures in Onedrive and Search results all follow what you set for the Pictures folder.
Also don’t forget to go into the “Options” menu and config it how you want it to be. I don’t like Compact mode for example. You can disable it there, and Unhide Appdata to. Nifty!
- Software Licensing Management Tool on SS64.com
https://ss64.com/nt/slmgr.html - About Execution Policies on Learn Microsoft
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_execution_policies?view=powershell-7.4 - Remove-MS-Store-Apps-Utility by Digressive on Github
https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil - WinUtil by ChrisTitusTech on Github
https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil - WinSetView by Les Fertch on Github